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su Business Exploration.
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con persone interessanti.
Ho una passione per le buone idee che vendono soluzioni industriali:
linee completamente automatizzate, attrezzature in conto capitale, sistemi di packaging, parti mission-critical,
e relativi servizi, offerte post-vendita, pezzi di ricambio e software.
Ho passato gli ultimi 25 anni a raccogliere, collegare e riformulare queste idee,
aggiungendo un approccio non convenzionale che aiuta a farne buon uso.
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Sono sempre felice di parlare con persone interessanti,
mettiti in contatto!
Sono un consulente industriale, con qualche competenza su:
che utilizzo per aiutare le Aziende industriali quando devono fare:
Faccio parte dell'ecosistema delle startup come Business Angel e Mentor, avendo contribuito a lanciare servizi di manutenzione industriale, ERP Saas, Fashion e-commerce, Franchise per Servizi di Sanitizzazione, NLP Saas per la documentazione ingegneristica.
Amo restituire qualcosa alle giovani generazioni supportando l'Acceleratore no-profit InnoVits come membro del Consiglio Direttivo, promuovendo l'Associazione Alumni Euroavia, come ideatore dell'iniziativa della Città di Castelfiorentino per l'imprenditoria giovanile KATALIZE e come membro della community Techitalia London, Dubai Data Science Meetup e GATE Incubator di Pisa.
Sponsorizzo anche iniziative per studenti del settore aerospaziale come Skywarder a Milano nel 2015 e Space-Up a Pisa nel 2018.
Ho vissuto e lavorato negli Stati Uniti - Houston, Regno Unito - Londra, Italia - Firenze, Russia - Mosca, Emirati Arabi Uniti - Dubai e ho una rete professionale in tutto il mondo: da Seattle a Brisbane, contando più di 4000 amici in 47 nazioni.
Sono sposato con Lara Maggiore, direttore marketing e vendite internazionali, e facciamo del nostro meglio per crescere nostro figlio, Leo.
Business Exploration aiuta Imprenditori e CEO di organizzazioni industriali a vendere sistemi, attrezzature, componenti, servizi post-vendita, servizi Saas ecc. nel campo dell'energia, aerospaziale, oil & gas, automazione, dispositivi biomedici e automotive.
Tra i nostri clienti ci sono fornitori di componenti per turbine a gas, sistemi di movimentazione dei fluidi, soluzioni di fissaggio, sistemi di aumento di potenza, sistemi di raffreddamento, quadri elettrici Smart-Grid a media e alta tensione, sistemi di propulsione navale, servizi Esco, servizi per giacimenti di petrolio e gas, franchising di servizi di sanificazione, Servizi di consulenza sulla proprietà intellettuale, servizi di gestione delle spese, e-commerce di moda, servizi di diagnostica biomedica.
Nonché splendide startup in aree che vanno dall'Intelligenza Artificiale al commercio elettronico
Offriamo un supporto a 360° in tutte le aree delle vendite B2B:
• Servizi di rappresentanza commerciale nel GCC • Consulenza strategica e gestionale organizzativa • Formazione e coaching manageriale
Apportiamo un approccio pratico e senza fronzoli, supportato da 30 anni di esperienza nelle operazioni front-end come manager di organizzazioni come General Electric e Danieli Steel Industries, coautore del Manuale di negoziazione per team industriali "Al tavolo della negoziazione", pubblicato da Franco Angeli Editore, e come Cialdini Certified Coach e Membro Fondatore dell'Istituto Cialdini, l'istituzione leader nell'insegnamento della Persuasione Scientifica e dell'Economia Comportamentale
Contattami se vuoi partecipare ai nostri webinar settimanali.
Supported by a small team of senior and junior analysts, I was responsible for the Upstream Oil & Gas Equipment market scenarios forecasting and strategic planning:
in order to support strategic and tactical pricing and investments decisions.
To do so, I built a global Oil & Gas market model capable to predict the 2009 crisis two years earlier and to identify 2B$/y of opportunities.
The model was connecting the dots among key industry players (NOC, IOC, Independents), Key leader persons behaviors, political scenarios, historical evolution, geografical data, reservoir characteristics, oil and gas physical properties, exploration, extraction and delivery processes, EPC players, key plant's services, equipment and their providers, construction material proces and macro economic trends, oil, gas and derivates demand and supply, prices of the raw, finished and consumer goods, just to name some of the information used.
I lead strategic market penetration initiatives in North America, in Russia/CIS, on FPSO customers, that brought new clients, a new Russian sales organizations and a new offshore compression train’s design.
I defined the market potential of New Product Introduction programs like: GE15 Gas Turbine, SHM+ high speed reciprocating compressor, CCS pumps.
In my work I was supported by a small team of senior and junior analysts, and I costantly took advantage of stagers for their great questions.
I am happy to see all of them pursuing great careers in sales, R&D and BD in GE and in the main Competitors.
The new market model approach replaced the previous market models used in all the industrial sectors covered by the marketing team: Midstream, Downstream, and Small Power Generation.
I lead the team who has rebuilt from scratch the cash management process controlling a portfolio of 150 projects, worth 1 Billion USD /year.
We created new procedures, a new organizational function and a risk management software capable to predict quarterly cash collection with less than 2% error.
The software development alone was worth: 150 K$, it had a central dashboard suite for Risk Management at portfolio level and a Project Manager’s suite to support individual Project Managers in their Contract Management duties. The platform is still running in 2017.
The new model for managing the projects portfolio using cash milestones has changed forever the way GE Oil & Gas controls the portfolio of projects.
The way I lead the team in developing both the logics, processes and tools would be described today as "Agile Project Management".
In retrospective, it's impressive how close our steps were to the Agile Manifesto and Scrum methodology.
(This risk management approach has been featured on a IRR conference in 2007)
I supported the Project Management Office's growth from few hundred millions $/y revenues to 2B$/y, leading its business process re-engineering:
I have mapped the Project Management processes from Sales to Delivery of GE Oil & Gas, to change the ERP system from IBM AS400 to Oracle
I have supported the Project Management function growth on:
I made routine and ad-hoc data analysis on the GE data warehouse e.g.:
I managed a 45.000€ software development project based on BO - Business Object- called the "Project Dashboard", from which a PM could have all the critical project progress data in one screenshot (featured on "Impiantistica Italiana - 2006", the ANIMP official organ)
I created Access-VBA software tools capable to precisely define Engineering, Sourcing and Manufacturing phases’ progress of a Project, with a click.
We called it "the Control Room" and allowed GE to overcome a deep communication crisis with the Customer: Chevron, on the famous TENGIZ project (the highest well re-injection pressure on Earth, at that time)
I proved the correlation between Project Delay and percentage of Engineering documentation in delay, showing that On Time Delivery is achieved by "overall" and not: "punctual" control
I was part of the Project Team that was in charge to create a better Customers Base Segmentation:
We performed the task, using advanced Neural Mapping software and a PCA Principal Components Analysis that reduced the key dimensions describing the Customer Base to just two.
Based on these two dimensions it was possible to identifying 7 Customers Clusters, describing clear customers behaviors in terms of purchasing volume and retention rate.
Based on the new customers segmentation was possible to identify recommendations in the areas of logistic, customer care, customer communication and sales.
I brought to delivery Upstream, Downstream and Power generation projects worth up to 100 MM USD, with full Customer satisfaction, on time and with no liquidated damages.
I managed with passion international teams spanning the globe, acted also as project engineer and ended-up being quoted by a French EPC chief inspector as “best project manager” in the Division.
As a Green Belt I developed a tollgates framework that has been adopted by the Division as standard for the mangement of all projects in portfolio
I coordinated the development of new automation machinery capable to double the productivity, thanks to an new un-balanced mechanism, fully adjustable, that I invented.
This machine replaced the existing product line.
I was in charge of the design of equipments for steel bars production: Finite elements analysis and Fatigue analysis of long products rolling equipment and Software development for bars packaging optimization.
My structural analysis of a new long products milling machine canceled the existing "C" shaped frame design in favor of a more performing "U" shaped frame design.
I took part to the territory control operation “Vespri Siciliani”;
Coached a platoon of 30 effectives on Anti-Aircraft weapons and techniques.
2nd Lieutenant A.U.C., Anti Aircraft Artillery (Trento, Italy)
IV Corpo d’ Armata Alpino - 2°Rgt "Vicenza" - 28^ Batteria (Trento)
S.A.C.A. 153° A.U.C. (Sabaudia - Roma)
I had the privilege to work at General Avia for a 3 months stage during my last year of University.
Legendary aircraft designer Stelio Frati ( among his creations the SF-260 trainer and the F8 Falco) allowed me to run freely into his company, in Pioltello - Milan, discovering and questioning all the phases of F22 - Pinguino assembly. I then was tasked to re-do the stress analysis calculations for the F22 - Pinguino fuselage. For that I developed a Fortran Software program, based on the "Mantegazza's methodology" that was able to "cut" different sections of the fuselage and calculate the shear stresses on the fuselage skin. Among the legacy quotes Stelio Frati teached me I preserve these as the most important:
" Se è bello - vola bene" (if it is beautiful - it flights beautifully)
"…deve essere il più veloce…" ( you must design the fastest airplane in its category )
From 1987 to 1993 I was Secretary and European representative of EUROAVIA Local Group Milan: European Association of Aeronautical and Astronautical Students.
I was at 1988 Milan Fly-in, 1990 Berlin EMEAC, 1991 Helsinky EMEAC, 1992 Napoli AMEAC and Haarlem Flight Simulation Symposium, 1993 organizzed first presentation of EA to PISA , Southampton EMEAC, 2009 50th anniversary in Delft, 2014 55th lustrum, 2015 ExMEAC Leuven.
In 2008 I created the Euroavia Former Members Linkedin group counting 600+ Aerospace Engineers worldwide.
In 1992 I launched a project with the aim to re-start the once glorious CVV Centro Volo a Vela of Politecnico di Milano: to design and build ULM aircrafts. The initiative was lead by me an Lucas Marchesini (now the CEO of Manta Aircraft) and a few other friends, and grow up to 100 students, that designed the new workshop, interfaced with Milan City Administration for funding, and the main aeronautical industries to collect tooling and machinery. We went as far as creating a moke up of our 2 seater rear-propelled twin beam airplane.