Selling - this is the goal of business explorations:

The goal of Business Exploration is to sell. Selling is a game with at least 3 players: us, the customer, the competition.
You can't control the other 2 players. This is the reason why you need a Strategy. A strategy is a plan to beat competition and reach your goal. If you feel uncertain about how to build your strategy, you fear that something important can be missed, you struggle to find an indipendent, informed, inspiring advisor and this is hindering your ability to take advantage of a business opportunity,

and want to change it:

Book 5' on my agenda

Business Model

Customers aim always more.
Learn how to shape your processes
to respond to their

Competitive Market

Competitors don't stay put.
Learn how to use
the 4 competitive strategies
to skip threats and protect price.

Convincing Message

The first source of differentiation
is "you"
learn how to tell your story
to be the preferred choice.

Selling Medium

Customers don't leave status quo.
Learn to break their assumption
with the
4 questions of selling.

Rethink the way you sell

Flavio Tosi, MSc Aer. Eng, MBA

Nobody gets investors, without a Plan. Nobody loves "try & error" Leaders. No customer buys solutions without careful considerations. If building your Commercial Plan brings you headache, You may be interested in following a field tested methodology that changes the rules of the game, in just 8 days.

Many have tried to copy the Business Exploration methodology ; Schools and Universities have built courses that try to duplicate it. We are the original creators. We started developing it in General Electric, where we learned the benefit of a tollgate process in launching the New Product Introduction programs on the international Oil & Gas Markets. Then we improved it injecting key ideas about Prof. Christensen Innovation Adoption theory. In 2009, few months after the publishing of Eric Ries bestseller Lean Startup, we adopted the key ideas and tools for the design of business models.
It was the direct experience in the launch of new industrial services for the USA Defence market, and the first startups for saas and the NLP that let us refine the steps of the Business Exploration methodology adding key ideas about complex sales and strategic selling.

Today the Business Exploration methodology have been instrumental for the launch of startups, international franchises, new high tech products and services, in USA, UK, Italy and UAE.

The Workshop

You can take full advantage of the Business Exploration methodology
through our 8 days workshop, that will guide you step-by-step in building
a go-to-market playbook … that sells.

  • It's an 8 days workshop:
    We will make 8 sessions of 6 hours each. Generally 1 day per week on a 2 months horizont. Off-line or on-line.
  • For the CEO and selected managers:
    To the one-to-one sessions, managers take part as much as needed.
  • With the help of a personal coach:
    each session is guided by a personal coach, specialized in the methodology.
  • Using 400+ ideas, tools, templates to:
    01 - define the best business model and organization,
    02 - assess market competitiveness scenario and gauge pricing,
    03 - draft your storytelling and position your brand,
    04 - design your sales funnel and sales force playbook
  • At a fixed price:
    The workshop has a fixed price of 9900 € + VAT, TAX, T&L
  • Satisfied or Reimbursed:
    No question asked - and all the workshop results remain yours

Book your session

The Business Exploration methodology at work

The output

The final output of the workshop will be summarized in an actionable little playbook of ~ 20 charts. If applicable, we will also provide a moke-up website to be used as guideline to revise yours.

(Note that quantitative market analysis, utilization of 3rd party datasets, data drill-down, process mapping, value mapping et alike, are not part of the workshop, but can be performed on demand)

Your sales playbook - a 20 pages plan

How to start:

To know more of our Business Exploration workshop,
call +39 2 8719 8498 or book a videocall here

Grab a coffee

no obligation, just conversations

What people say:

"Flavio allowed me to reconstruct the value chain of my company and from there, the requalification of our offer. "
Giacomo Tazzini, CEO ErreQuadro

"Following his flagship program has been a game changer for us and lot's of fun too. Can't recommend highly enough and it saved me lots of time."
Francesco Caporali, CEO Capcost

They already tried:

More details:

The Business Exploration strategy planning methodology

What is Business Exploration?

Business Exploration is a methodology to assess, design, plan and launch business initiatives like:

  • the launch of new products or services
  • the entering of new markets
  • the internationalization
  • the investment in Merger and Acquisition initiatives
  • the diversification into new lines of business
  • the bootstrapping of startups

It's goal is to define the processes and actions a sales organization adheres to, in an effort to land orders.

It’s designed to inform sales teams about:

  • how the company answers the customer's job-to--be-done,
  • how to beat competition and maximize price,
  • how to communicate to convince the customer,
  • how to reach the right prospects and help them adopt our solution.

It is based on 4 pillars:

  • business modeling
    At its minimum it is about describing a Target Customer Segment, identifying his goals and what hinders him to reach them, ideate a solution, build a channel of communication to make that customer aware of the solution, organize the activities required to serve that solution to the customer, and those to build that solution from the material and untangible resources needed and finally optimize that activities with the help of partners, ensuring that the process leaves a margin of profitability.
  • competition and pricing
    At its minimum it is about defining the maximum number of occasions that customer's problem occurs, how many can we secure for our solution, considered competition and stakeholders are working against us, understand how those occasions are distributed in space and time and what are the factors that can modify their quantity, have a clear understanding of the factors building the marginality of our solution and those that make us maximize the price at which we sell it.
  • brand and communication
    At its minimum it is about having a clear idea about how our solution is perceived different from the competing ones by the customer, how we leverage that difference to be remebered and preferred when the right occasion arises, how we connect the clients mind to our brand, using words, colors, feelings, and stories to build an emotional connection with our values, passion and capabilities. Finally how we decline all the above along the different contact points and communication channels we can use to relate to the customers and the people helping him to decide.
  • sales funnels and organization
    At its minimum it is about knowing how to get in contact with the customer, become part of his community, and help the customer along all the steps of the buying journey; having the right arguments to move the customer out of the status quo, influence his purchasing criteria, help the customer qualify the opportunity for a better outcome, seeding the customer repurchase. All of the above, declined for sales processes that are both online and traditional, and may serve 3 different kinds of decision makers, that range from value creators, to managers of organizations, to the Leadership shaping the customer's business.

The methodology is applied through:

  • fast-paced workshops
  • 8 sessions, live or online, lasting from 3 to 6 hours each
  • seasoned coaches with decades of experience in leading strategic session for the CEOs and Owners of Corporations, SMBs and Startups.

The methodology it's summarized in a Sales Playbook, with:

  • third party qualified action plans
  • thumb-rule, objections proof, quantitative assessments
  • professional communication guidelines
  • high level commercial process mapping and personnel profiling

The methodology it's a way to define the Strategic Sales of the company:

  • It's strategic 'cause focuses on helping the purchasing process of the Customer, more than on the selling process of the Supplier.

The methodology delivers:

  • Lower cost of the deals
  • Less lost deals
  • Lower Customers churn rate
  • Less price deterioration

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